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Do’s and Don’ts of Sharing Your Move on Social Media

If you are planning to move, you should think twice before sharing your move on social media. It is much safer to share your moving details privately with friends and family to ensure your safety.


Just Married? Tips for Sharing a New Home Together

So you’ve recently gotten married and now it’s time to merge your households. There are many decisions you’ll have to make, not the least of which is who is moving in with whom? Or maybe you’ll opt to move into a new home. Either way you’ll need to combine your possessions.


Determining How Long It Will Take To Make Your Move

Moving can take a lot of time. If you have a large house or own a lot of stuff, it could take longer. If you are moving long distances, it could take longer still. Here are a few tips to help you determine how long your move will actually take.


Pre Move-In Projects For Your New Home

So you’ve purchased a new home and it needs a little work. Should you go ahead and move in and take care of improvements later or tackle them before you move in? You might be surprised by the answer, but if possible absolutely take care of your upgrades now before the movers arrive. Otherwise, you’ll end up moving your furniture and other items from room to room just to replace that old tile and then have to moving it back in again. People have gone weeks with bedroom furniture in the living room as they’ve made changes to their home. You can save yourself a lot of headaches by doing it before you move in.


Downsizing – Choosing What Furniture to Leave Behind

Downsizing can be a boon or a bane, depending on how good you are at throwing things out. One thing’s for sure: You won’t be able to take as much with you as you currently own. You have to decide what you like the most and keep only the most important possessions.


Top 10 Forgotten Items During a Move

How many times have you moved and forgotten something important – it seems to happen to all of us at some point. Well next time around you can refer to this list as a reminder. Here are the top 10 most forgotten items by people planning a move:


How to Pack Your Clothes for Moving

Packing clothes for a move can be quite a chore. How do you get them from your current home to your new home intact and wrinkle free? If your tendency is to shove your clothes into a laundry bag and hope for the best, then you’ll be happy to know there’s a better way.


Tips for Moving From Suburb to City

Living closer to the city offers a lot of amenities you don’t find in rural areas and suburbs. For instance, if you live downtown, you’ll have ready access to world class restaurants, museums, your pick of employers, and cultural activities. Plus, you have access to public transportation, and the urban amenities are within walking distance.


Lighten Your Load – Have a Moving Sale!

If you’re planning a move and have a lot of things you’d like to get rid of around the house – why not raise cash by selling the items you don’t want to move with you. Here’s a sampling of things might want to sell:


Tips for Moving in the Summer

Summer in Minnesota can seem like the perfect time for a move, so Saint Paul, MN moving companies do a lot of business this time of year. Because summer is so busy for movers – there is much advice they can share: