Downsizing can be a boon or a bane, depending on how good you are at throwing things out. One thing’s for sure: You won’t be able to take as much with you as you currently own. You have to decide what you like the most and keep only the most important possessions.

If you’re like many people, you are an unintentional pack rat. You keep things around for years and forget you ever owned “one of those” until you run across it in your garage while you are moving. Here’s a secret – those items are likely the things you no longer need. So put them in the toss or donate piles.

Below are a few more tips to help you decide what furniture you should take with you and which pieces of furniture you should leave behind when you downsize.

What Do You Love?

We’re not asking what you like – we’re asking what you love. Make a list of all of your furniture for each room of the house. Separate the items you love, the items you like, and the items you hate. Obviously, you’ll leave behind what you hate. You’ll take most of what you love depending on how much space you have in your new home. If you have the space for a few of the items you like, those might make it too.

Measure Your Space

If you can get into your new home before you move, measure the walls and floor space. How much room will you have available? You need to know that.

You may need to ask permission to gain access, but that’s okay. It will be worth it. After you know how much space is available in your new home, you can make better decisions. If the wall in your living room is only five feet long and your sofa is six feet long, you won’t be able to use the sofa. Measuring your space is very important.

After measuring your floor and wall space, measure the furniture. Anything that won’t fit gets sold or donated to someone who can use it.

Draw a Diagram

Use some graph paper, a computer program or an app that will help you and draw a diagram of each room in the house. You know your measurements and you know what you love. Draw which piece of furniture goes where and get a visual look at the floor plan before you move.

If you need to buy new furniture, try to look for items that match what you already own. Otherwise, you may have to buy all new furniture. You can also consider raising money for new furniture by selling your old furniture.