You finally have all the boxes and furniture in your new home. Congratulations! Now, what do you do?
Moving Day Etiquette
It has finally arrived – the day you move out of the old place and into your next home! Fortunately, people don’t move every day so you don’t have to think about moving day etiquette very often – unless you are a professional mover. But there really are some things to consider when your moving day is happening ‘today.’
Tips To Reduce Waste When You Move
One of the things you’ll notice after all those boxes have been emptied and the stuff is put into your new home’s storage space is all those boxes sitting there empty. Along with the boxes, there’s all that filler used to keep things from breaking. It’s a big, big pile of waste, and it doesn’t have to be there.
Professional Saint Paul moving companies often will have boxes designed specifically for various types of household goods. Other options, like sturdy crates to fill and empty on moving day may also be available.
Getting Involved In Your New Community After Your Move
It can sometimes be intimidating to move because you are joining a new group of people who are unfamiliar to you. Some things may be the same, and others are a mystery – one woman observed that moving from an urban area to a rural community meant you no longer ignored a car’s honking and were supposed to wave at a neighbor when they drove by.
Avoiding Injury During Your Move
A move is an exciting time, full of changes. But some of those changes involve using your body to do things you don’t ordinarily do, like lifting heavy boxes, carrying rolls of carpet or large area rugs or negotiating a box spring around corners. It is all too easy to end up in a new home with a new injury, unless precautions are taken.
Your Move Is Suddenly Postponed – Now What?
Sometimes a move must be postponed. The next step you take really depends on why the move date had to change. For instance, in areas like Maple Grove or Plymouth, that postponement could easily be caused by a sudden spring snowstorm.
5 Tips For Moving From A House To A High-Rise Building
Moving to one of the popular high-rise apartment or condo buildings in Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Maple Grove, Plymouth or other cities is not quite the same as moving to another single-family dwelling. Here are 5 of the most important tips to remember about this process so that the move is as stress-free as possible:
Avoiding a Bad First House Move Experience
Someday the stories of that disastrous first house move experience will be funny to tell friends and family. The day those bad memories become a hilarious anecdote may be far off, though, and it really is better to avoid those misadventures altogether.
Keeping In Touch After Your Move
Relocating away from friends and family in Plymouth, Maple Grove or any other neighborhood may be one of the hardest parts about moving. You’ll have to say goodbye, but you don’t need to end your relationships because you’ve moved to a new community.
You’ll make new friends after you move, but those new relationships don’t have to replace the old ones. It might be a struggle, but make an effort to maintain and stay in contact with friends from your old neighborhood.
Prepare Your Loved Ones Before You Move
Managing long-distance relationships begins before your move. Let your friends and family know that you will miss them and want to stay in touch. If you have it, give them your contact information before you leave. That includes:
- Cell phone number
- Landline phone number
- Skype address
- Social media profile names and addresses
- Mailing address
With today’s technology, staying connected is easier than ever before. If you give your friends and family multiple ways to contact you – you’re more likely to stay in touch after you have moved.
Re-Connect As Soon As Possible After You Move
After you have moved, unpacked, and organized your new home, start making contact with those old friends. Let them know you have successfully landed and give them a sense of your new surroundings. If possible, try to make contact on video through one of the multiple video chat services
- Skype
- Google+ Hangouts
- Facebook Chat
- Cell Phone Connectivity (e.g. FaceTime)
Another option to stay in touch with old friends is to start a blog. You can write about life in your new home and share your blog address with your friends and family in the old neighborhood.
And don’t forget to send birthday and holiday cards. You can call or Skype your friends and relatives. It’s the next best thing to actually being there in person.
After you have been away from your old neighborhood for a while – go back and visit. Plan a reunion with your old friends and neighbors. Let them know when you’ll be back in town and invite them to join you for a celebration. Catching up on each other’s lives is one of the best ways to stay connected after a move.
Planning a Move for the Disabled or Physically Challenged
Moving for disabled or physically challenged persons can seem overwhelming. Aside from mobility issues, there are logistical concerns that can make the move even more unclear. Those with physical mobility challenges may have special equipment they need moved, which could include:
- Wheelchairs
- Walkers
- Hospital-type beds
- Specially made furniture
- Medical devices
- Therapy equipment
- Therapy pets
These are just some of the items that may have to be moved to a new location.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are moving people with physical challenges, plan ahead using these tips:
- Discuss the disability with your moving company. If special needs equipment is involved, tell them up front so they can create a plan for moving that equipment safely and securely. A layout plan for your new home will need to be developed (which can create additional obstacles).
- To provide an accurate estimate of moving costs, your moving company needs to understand how many personnel are needed for moving and what kind of special equipment they’ll need for the move.
- Pack a bag with extra clothing, toiletries, and any medication or equipment needed at your new residence.
- When the movers arrive, have someone available to assist them, if necessary. Inventory all belongings prior to moving day. Also, make sure the movers have a clear walking path in and out of the residence.
- If it is important where furniture is placed in the new location, create a layout map for the movers and give it to them when they arrive.
- Take extra care with cables, cords and boxes on moving day. Keep them out of the way.
- If you are moving special equipment, make sure you prep it before moving day. Secure any moving parts for the move.
- Make sure your phone line, electricity, water, and other utilities are hooked up at your new residence before you arrive.
Moving day can be hectic, especially if you have a disability and special equipment. Be sure to plan and prepare well in advance.