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Category Archives: Moving Tips

Moving Day: The Aftermath

Lots of moving blogs focus on the days leading up to a move and then moving day itself. Today, RJ Moving, residential movers in Plymouth, want to give you a few tips on what to do after your residential movers leave and you are fully moved into your new home. As one of the best residential movers in the area, we feel like we’ve learned a thing or two and would love to share our knowledge with you!

One of the first things you should do is hang up some curtains. This applies especially in areas where privacy is a must, like in bedrooms and in bathrooms (if there are any windows in the bathrooms).

The next thing you should do is remember to feed yourself and your family! Even if you just order in some pizza after your residential movers leave, making sure everyone is well-fed and hydrated is a must.

Then, it’s time to unpack your bedding and your pajamas. It was probably a very busy moving day – from the moment your residential movers arrived until they departed, we’re pretty sure you and your family were going non-stop. Taking the time to make your bed and change into comfy clothes can help everyone relax and start to settle into your new home. If you have one, put up a shower curtain so everyone can take a bath. That definitely helps with relaxation!

Finally, if you’re feeling up to it, hook up your DVD player and watch a movie or two. This is another way to unwind, bond together as a family, and start getting used to your new home. Don’t worry about unpacking right away! That will happen eventually, as will cleaning. The main thing you should focus on after your residential movers leave is unpacking some basic stuff, ensuring your family’s privacy, making sure everyone had enough to eat and drink, and unwinding.

When you are ready to make a move in or around Plymouth and you need reliable residential movers, call RJ Moving at 612-384-2028 or Get A Free Quote.


Spring into Action: Moving Tips

Why is spring one of the most popular times of year for moving and hiring professional movers? It’s pretty easy to see why! The first advantage is the milder weather. It’s perfect: not too hot (like in the summer) and not too cold (like in the winter). So how can you ensure that you and your professional movers have the easiest and most stress-free move possible? RJ Moving has a few suggestions for you.

Take the time to do some research on the best professional movers in your area. For example, RJ Moving is one of the best professional movers in the Maple Grove area. Then start thinking about packing your belongings. The best place to start is with your cold-weather items, like jackets, scarves, winter clothes, sleds, snow shovels, etc. Be sure to keep an eye on the weather for your moving day, and make sure to have any necessary supplies for your moving day. Professional movers like RJ Moving should have all of the equipment needed to make the move smooth and hassle-free. You can keep a cooler with drinks and snacks available for hungry workers. And be sure to leave out a few toys if you have small children. That way, they will stay entertained and out of the way of the busy professional movers.

And be sure you and your family are dressed appropriately for your moving day. Wear sunglasses if it’s going to be sunny and make sure you are dressed for the outdoor air temperatures. If you and your family are comfortable, it will make your moving day easier on you and even your professional movers! Tuck aside any necessities that you might need right after you’re moved into your new home – a change of clothes, pajamas, toiletries, toilet paper, etc.

When you’re planning a move in and around Maple Grove and need professional movers, call RJ Moving at 612-384-2028. You can also Request a Free Quote, and one of our knowledgeable and experienced staff members will get in touch with you about our services and how we can help you!


Why Hiring a Minneapolis Professional Moving Company is to Your Advantage

Moving can be a long drawn-out process that strains both the body and the bank account. However, each of these ailments can be avoided when you hire a Minneapolis professional moving company. Rather than spending days, or perhaps weeks, locating and packing boxes, when you choose to hire a professional moving company you will be able to focus on your day to day responsibilities and leave the moving to the professionals.

Remember that statement, “Time is money”? When it comes to moving that statement can truly hit home. This is because getting boxes packed, labeled, loaded, relocated and then unloaded can take an exorbitant amount of time –especially if you are a novice mover! But more time is not the only advantage of hiring a professional Minneapolis moving company. Here are several other reasons people opt to let the professionals do the moving.

  • A professional moving company will maximize the amount of time you have to get moved. They will provide a schedule for arrival, the departure time and manage all the details involved for moving.
  • Should you find yourself in need of warehousing or carrier services for household items or even your vehicle, professional moving companies can typically meet this need for you.
  • A Minneapolis professional moving company has crews that know how to pack efficiently and effectively. They will ensure that your items are packed safely then placed in boxes that are labeled according to type of items or, in many cases, based on the room where they would belong.
  • The movers in Minneapolis are accustomed to the physical and mental stress of moving. Hiring professionals will prevent the headaches and backaches of moving.
  • Professional movers know how to move those awkward pieces of furniture without damaging the walls or the item.
  • Professional movers in Minneapolis come fully prepared for every element of moving. Rather than needing to use your towels and blankets as packing materials, the professional movers will provide packing peanuts (or a similar product), as well as the boxes, tape and equipment such as handcarts and ramps for loading the truck.
  • Professional moving companies will have insurance that covers any loss or damage to your belongings. This insurance is especially nice if you have expensive or large items to be moved.
  • In the majority of moves, one must take time off from work in order to get the household boxed up and moved. Hiring a professional moving company means less time away from work, thus saving your vacation days for something more pleasurable.

There are many other advantages to hiring a Minneapolis professional moving company. But perhaps the most important is the peace of mind in knowing that you don’t have to spend days packing, labeling and moving the boxes in your “spare” time. At RJ Moving company in Minneapolis, you can rest assured that we will take care of all your moving needs so you can focus on what matters most—you and yours!

Are you looking for a professional moving company in Minneapolis? Contact us today by calling 612-384-2028 or Contact us Online.


Minneapolis Commercial Movers – How to Make a Smooth Move

When you are moving your Minneapolis commercial business, we know there is a lot on your mind! Not only are you worried about the move itself, you’re also probably worried about how long your business will have to stay closed and how much money you might lose in lost revenue and income. Thankfully, RJ Moving, one of the best Minneapolis commercial movers, has a few suggestions to help your move go smoothly.

First of all, make sure you ask for help and delegate tasks to your employees. Consider appointing a “move team” and give each person on the team specific tasks or jobs to handle. For example, one person should be in charge of finding the best Minneapolis commercial movers. Another person should handle coordinating the boxes and other packing supplies. (If you hire RJ Moving, we can help make sure you and your team have plenty of moving materials!) Don’t try to take on all of the work by yourself!

Make sure you start early! As soon as you know you’re going to move, delegate your moving team, be sure you’ve got the best Minneapolis commercial movers you can find and start packing. Your employees should all chip in with getting everything packed and organized. Be sure to label every box so your commercial movers know where to put things when the time comes. Also, don’t forget about clearing out all the spaces in your business, like crawl spaces, basements, etc.

Budgeting is another good idea. Your Minneapolis commercial movers should know what services you want and you should know how much those services are going to cost. Minneapolis commercial movers should be willing to give you a written estimate, and they should not deviate from that estimate unless both parties are in agreement.

When you need trustworthy and responsible commercial movers in Minneapolis or the surrounding areas, call RJ Moving at (612) 384-2028 or contact us online for a free estimate.


St Paul Residential Movers – How to Make Your Move as Organized as Possible

When you’re moving your St Paul home or commercial business, it can be one of the most stressful times in your life. Thankfully, St Paul residential moversRJ Moving – has some tips on how to make your St Paul move more organized so you’re ready when your residential movers arrive.

One of the best things you can do to keep your St Paul move coordinated is to keep all of your important documents in a folder. That way, when your residential movers come to your St Paul home to start the moving process, if you need a document, you can easily find it without worrying that it’s been lost or accidentally thrown away.

Keep a running list of appointments, things you need to do and important phone numbers and other information. Again, this way you know where everything is and you don’t have to worry that anything has been misplaced, so there is no need to panic when your residential movers arrive.

About a month or two before you move, make sure your change-of-address notification has been done. This is a pretty easy process, and it’s important to get it situated before your residential movers begin the moving process. All you have to do is visit the United States Postal Service’s website and fill out a form online. Also, remember to update your address at your job and with your bank, credit card company, etc.

On the day your St Paul residential movers arrive, try to have child care arranged (if needed) and try to have someone to watch your pets too. If you can’t find someone to watch over your dog or cat, clean out a room so they have somewhere comfortable to stay. Attach a sign to the door asking people to keep it closed. And make sure your pets have plenty of water, food, some toys to distract them and a comfortable place to lie down. Be sure to check on them every once in awhile and take them for walks as needed. (For cats, make sure they have a clean litter box in there!)

We hope these tips help ease some of the stress of moving. And when you need St Paul residential movers, don’t hesitate to call RJ Moving at (612) 384-2028 or contact us online for a free quote!


Winter Moving Tips from Professional Movers in St. Paul

Winter can be one of the best times of year to move. If you’re trying to buy a home, it’s a buyer’s market because people who are selling their home in winter tend to want to sell it as quickly as possible. If you’re renting, landlords try to attract tenants with discounts on rent or other perks. But winter can also be one of the most stressful and hectic times of year to move. RJ Moving has some professional movers’ tips for your St. Paul move. And we’re not just professional movers, St. Paul also knows us for our packing and storage services too. We have some suggestions for how to make your St. Paul winter move smoother and safer for everyone involved – you and your professional movers.

Be sure there is somewhere that is clear of snow and ice for the professional movers to park their moving van. Even if you don’t have a driveway at your St. Paul home, make sure there is a clear space on the road for your professional movers to park. Take the time to shovel a path between where they will be parking and your home, and take extra care to make sure there is no ice.

Make sure your porch is also clear of snow, ice and debris. This is especially important for any stair-steps that are involved, so please make sure you put some salt or sand down to increase traction. RJ Moving takes the time to lay down plastic to make sure we don’t track any dirt, snow or other debris into your home and onto the floors.

And don’t neglect your new home either! The same should be done at your new St. Paul home as well. If you take the time to make your driveway, walkway and porch safer, this will make the moving process go a lot faster.

When you’re ready to move, call RJ Moving at (612) 384-2028 to talk to us about our professional movers in St. Paul or contact us online for a free estimate.


Budgeting for Your Professional Movers in Minnesota

When you’re moving in Minnesota and hiring professional movers, creating and sticking to a moving budget can be a big pain! But, in the end, it’s worth it when you know exactly how much you can spend so there are no surprises. RJ Moving has a few tips to help with your moving budget, so when your professional movers come to your Minnesota home, you are ready and good to go.

First of all, figure out what it will cost you to move out of your home, as in, factor in any final utility bills, any repairs you have to make to your former home and any fees you might be charged if you’re terminating a lease early. Look over your moving estimate from your Minnesota professional movers company, RJ Moving, and make sure you understand every charge and what professional movers services we will provide.

Then, look over your Minnesota house and start estimating how many boxes you will need, plus how much packing tape and other packing materials you think you will be using. It is always better to overestimate than underestimate. You don’t want to be packing your items the day before you move only to find out you are short on moving boxes or tape, just as your professional movers are showing up! (But don’t worry – RJ Moving can help with all of your packing needs too!)

Start budgeting for gas for the trips you will be taking to and from your new home. Is your new Minnesota home right down the street or across the state? Set aside some spending money for meals on-the-go and for any last-minute supplies you might need. For example, if you cut a finger, you might need to run to the store to get band-aids and Neosporin.

Also, when looking over your final utility bills at your former Minnesota home, call your new utility companies and ask them how much they will charge you to turn on your new utilities. Some Minnesota companies will do this for free, while others will have to send trained technicians to your new home to get the utilities turned on. You can also set an appointment time during this call. Keep track of every appointment on a small calendar so you don’t get your dates and times confused!

And for all of your professional movers needs in Minnesota, don’t hesitate to call RJ Moving at (612) 384-2028, or you can contact us online and request a free quote. We can help with any professional movers services you might need!


Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

If you’re a first-time homebuyer, you probably have a lot of things you’re thinking about and a lot of questions. Everything from what type of home you want, to which Minnesota moving company you’re going to choose is probably running through your head. Our first piece of advice is to slow down. If you look at the big picture, it may seem overwhelming. Take everything step-by-step and before you know it, your Minnesota moving company will be taking all your belongings to your new home.


The first thing you need to do is sit down and figure out what you can realistically afford, in terms of purchasing a new home in Minnesota. From there, you’ll need to lay out a budget that you know you’ll be able to stick to. When planning out the budget, don’t forget about all the little costs including taxes, closings costs, hiring a moving company and more!

Home Inspections

Don’t skip the home inspection when you’re purchasing a home in Minnesota. A home inspection benefits the buyer and the seller. As a home buyer, it puts you in a better bargaining position. If you are aware of what’s going to need fixed, you can request the seller fixes it or request a reduced price. Don’t cut corners and think you don’t need an inspection. It may save you from headaches later.

Minnesota Moving Company

When all is said and done, you’re probably going to want some help from a moving company! A Minnesota moving company can provide reliable and timely services. Our Minnesota moving company is very experienced in helping first-time movers. We’ll get you from here to there without trouble. We want you to enjoy your first home buying experience.

Are you a first-time homebuyer looking for a Minnesota moving company? Contact us today by calling 612-384-2028 or request a free quote online.


Guest Blog: Hiring a Commercial Cleaning Service Before You Move

In business for more than a decade, All Source is a one-stop shop that provides carpet cleaning, floor care, window washing and power washing. Locally owned and operated and serving the Twin Cities metro area, they take the time to personalize their services for each client’s needs. Owner Dan Shanesy spent 17 years as a commercial property manager, so he knows the ins and outs of property management and clients’ needs and wants. All Source has helped a variety of businesses: from large manufacturing plants to small medical practices.

Moving to a new Minneapolis business can be one of the most stressful times of your professional life. Between finding a new office or warehouse space, packing up your office furniture and supplies and finding a moving company like RJ Moving, your mind is probably filled to the brim with all of the things that need to get done before moving day. But one of the most often-overlooked aspects of moving is making sure your old business space and new business space are clean.

When you’re moving into an office or warehouse that someone used before you, it can be a guessing game as to how clean it really is. Sure, superficially it might look clean, but once you get past your initial excitement that the Big Moving Day is finally here, you might start to notice that there are cobwebs in the corners or dust along the floorboards or the vents are caked in dirt. Or maybe the grout in the bathroom is a lot more moldy than you remember. If you hire a commercial cleaning service, cleaning is one less thing you have to worry about. That way, you’ll know your new business space is as clean as it can be and ready for you to move into. The only things you’ll have to focus on once you move in is unpacking and organizing your office furniture and supplies.

And if you leased your old office or warehouse space, you want to be sure you get as much of your security deposit back as you can. Most of the time, in order to get all of that money back, the landlords want the office space to be as clean as possible. And in the hub-bub of moving and trying to make sure every detail is taken care of, you might overlook a big cleaning task. For example, does your old office or warehouse have ceiling fans? They can get incredibly dusty and as soon as you turn them on, that dust goes flying all over the place.

If you hire a commercial cleaning service though, a lot of that stress and those extra details are taken off of your plate. Sure, that’s extra money coming out of your pocket, but the peace of mind that you’ll get will be worth it in the long run. (Plus, that security deposit could help cover the cost!)

And when you’re ready to move, give All Source a call at (651) 405-9276 or visit our website and get more information on commercial cleaning services and a free estimate. We’re here and ready to help with all of your commercial cleaning needs!


What to Expect on Moving Day

The big day has come. No, not your wedding day or the birth of your child. It’s moving day. And as your Minneapolis professional moving services experts, RJ Moving knows very well the stresses and conflicts that can occur on moving day. That’s why we want to make the process as effortless and stress-free for you as possible.

There’s a lot to do, and a short amount of time to do it in. Therefore, it’s important to have all your ducks in a row on the day of your move. Here is a list of things you should have ready or be prepared to do on moving day:

  • Put aside and take along all important documents and paperwork (medical records, birth certificates, etc.).
  • Pack drinks and snacks for you and your family.
  • Have travel documents on standby, if applicable. This means things like tickets, hotel reservations and so forth.
  • Think about what else will need packed and how much time will be needed to complete the job.
  • Have all the boxes labeled and ready by the door to be hauled out. This is important, as it makes the process go faster and saves you money.

So, that’s what you should have ready to go by the time we get to your current address. But, what about the actual moving day process?

  • Finalizing cleaning and similar services.
  • Check to make sure everything is packed.
  • Be sure that your “Open First” box is the first one to be packed and the first one to be taken out.
  • Stay with the movers until the job is done, and make sure our driver has your new address, so he or she knows where to go.
  • Have ready everything you need for the trip to your new address.
  • Once loading has been finished, make sure you have locked all windows and doors, and turned off all switches and appliances.

Do you need to move to or from Minneapolis? RJ Moving can do the job. Call us now at 612-384-2028 to request a free quote.