You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to make improvements to your new home. These 10 home improvements can be accomplished in short time right after you move into your new place.
Top List Making Apps to Make Your Move Organized
The best way to stay organized when moving is to keep a list of activities or tasks you need to accomplish and, as you complete the tasks, mark them off your list. The problem with writing your list on paper is, you will inevitably lose or misplace the paper. It will get lost in your purse or you’ll set it down and forget it somewhere.
How To Deal With Homesickness
Everybody gets homesick. Most people will compare the old to the new and feel a sense of loss about something even when they are excited about the new home.
Understanding that a sense of missing people and places is common can be helpful. Realizing that it is temporary helps even more. There are three main ways to deal with homesickness:
Home Essentials for Your First Home or Apartment
When you move into your first living space – whether it is a home you purchased or an apartment you are renting – you’ll need a few essential items. These are some regular household items you simply can’t live without.
Moving to College – Your Guide for Making the College Transition
College is an exciting time in life, but if you are going away to college, then you’ll have to move. There is usually more to it than packing up the family vehicle with a bag full of clothes and being on your way. It’s not short term – you’re going to be living away from home for a while.
You’ll want to decide early on what you will take with you to college. While it isn’t a vacation, it’s not exactly a permanent move either. If you’re living in a dorm, chances are you’ll be moving again next year. If you’ll be living in an apartment off-campus it might be a bit more permanent. But either way – dorm or apartment – you’re going to be there long term so you’ll want some creature comforts.
7 Tips to Stay Relaxed for Your Next Move
Moving is one of the most stressful activities for many people, but it doesn’t have to be. You can stay relaxed if you set your mind to it. Here are some tips to help you stay relaxed during your next move.
Housewarming Rituals to Make Your New Place Feel Like Home
So you’ve moved into your new place and are ready to make it feel more like “home.” Where should you begin? Here are four simple yet tried-and-true rituals guaranteed to make your new place feel like home the moment you start on them.
Thinking About Moving Yourself? Why You Should Hire a Professional Mover
Moving yourself might seem like a good plan at first, but when you think about everything you have to do before, during, and after the move, it can cost you more to do it yourself than to hire a professional moving company.
How to Actually Make Moving Fun for the Family
How many people do you know actually consider moving fun? Not many, I’d bet. And children in particular have a tendency to give up quickly. After all, it’s boring, boxes can be heavy, and they’d rather be playing with their friends. But you can make moving more pleasurable. Here are some ways to involve the children and make moving fun for the entire family.