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5 Things to Do in Your New Kitchen Before You Move In

The kitchen in your new home can be a wonderful thing when it’s clean and ready to go. Saint Paul residential moving companies will often bring all kitchen boxes into a space that isn’t ready to use right away which can lead to some disruption in meal preparation.


Unpacking and Organizing Tips

You’ve got all of your belongings moved from your old home and are one step closer to enjoying your new home. Now it’s time to unpack and organize. Use these tips to help you unpack faster and get settled more efficiently:

Make a Design Plan for Your New Minneapolis Home

Before you move in decide where your furniture will go – get a visual before you set everything in place. Draw out a plan prior to moving day. That way when the movers arrive they will be able to put everything where it belongs and you won’t be shifting furniture here and there to find the best placement. It will cut down on your organizing time.

Organize One Room at a Time

The key to unpacking efficiently is to focus on one room at a time. If you skip from room to room, you’ll spend more time taking things out of boxes and finding a place for them. So go easy on yourself.

The kitchen and bathroom are the best places to start because these are the areas that are most common to all members of your family and are typically high traffic areas. An added bonus to beginning in the kitchen is that you can have a snack to keep you motivated. Start with items you’ll need the soonest – plates, bowls, glasses, and silverware. Line your cabinets and put everything where it belongs as soon as you take it out of the box.

In the bathroom, you’ll want to get your toiletries set up as soon as possible. Also, make sure the plumbing is operational.

Couple Moving Into New Home And Unpacking Boxes

If you can’t get to the bedrooms before the first night in your new Minneapolis home, don’t worry. Have a family camp out. Roll out some sleeping bags in the living room or pitch a tent in the backyard. When you do get to the bedrooms, make sure all your furniture is set in place before you start unpacking. That way you can move everything from the boxes to right where it’s supposed to land.

After the bedrooms, tackle the living room. Save the garage for last. Make sure your sofa, other furniture, TV and other living room electronics are all in their places before you unpack your boxes.

Keeping to this routine will make your unpacking go a lot more smoothly and you’ll be done faster.