College is an exciting time in life, but if you are going away to college, then you’ll have to move. There is usually more to it than packing up the family vehicle with a bag full of clothes and being on your way. It’s not short term – you’re going to be living away from home for a while.
You’ll want to decide early on what you will take with you to college. While it isn’t a vacation, it’s not exactly a permanent move either. If you’re living in a dorm, chances are you’ll be moving again next year. If you’ll be living in an apartment off-campus it might be a bit more permanent. But either way – dorm or apartment – you’re going to be there long term so you’ll want some creature comforts.
What Should You Pack for College?
If you are moving into a dorm, don’t worry about taking the bed, nightstand, and bookshelves. Most dorm rooms are furnished. You should talk to your counselor before moving and find out what size the rooms will be and what they are equipped with. If your college furnishes mini-refrigerators, then you won’t need one. Otherwise, you may want to consider renting or purchasing one.
Nevertheless, keep in mind that dorm rooms are small. Therefore, you should take only what you need. And there’s a very good chance you’ll be sharing a room with someone you’ve never met, so try to contact them in advance to see if you can avoid any duplication of larger items like a futon, area rugs, TV or shelving.
Some of the other items you’ll want to include are your laptop, headphones, sound system, linens, bathroom supplies and other entertainment items.
If you’re moving into an apartment you’re likely going to require more furnishings and other things to complete your living space. Use this handy checklist to ensure you’ve remembered to pack all the essentials. You might be surprised by the amount of items you’ll need, and then trying to figure out how you’re going to get it all there.
If you need help moving your college student and their belongings from home in Edina, Orono, Minnetonka or any metro suburb to their apartment in or the Minneapolis Twin Cities area, give RJ Moving a call so you can “relax while we do the work.” Then you can focus on helping your co-ed get settled in their new surroundings.